
WriTracker | Recording and analyzing handwriting

WriTracker is a software that helps analyzing a person’s handwriting, for cognitive experiments or for assessment of dysgraphia and other learning disorders.

WriTracker records the participant’s handwriting (on a WACOM pen tablet). It then provides you with simple means to divide the written words or numbers into characters and strokes, so you can see the precise location, size, and timing of each character. It also contains tools for visualization of the handwriting – as images in a PDF file, or as a video file that shows the progress of writing.

Developed with Maya Yachini, Ron Diskin, and Ron Levy.

MAYIM | Assessment of dysnumeria
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The battery includes a set of pen-and-paper and computerized tasks for assessment of dysnumeria – the family of learning disorders that impair number reading and number writing.

Developed with Naama Friedmann, Noa Handelsman, and Zohar Cohen.

Web Experiment Generator | Create simple web-based experiments easily and without programming

Generate easily an HTML-based software for your simple experiment, and run it on any web site! You don’t need any programming – just define the flow of each trial (stimuli, responses) and the list of specific trials.

  1. Create your experiment by making a simple set of definitions in an Excel file in this format. You can rely on one of the templates we provide and modify it.
  2. Upload the Excel file to this web page.
  3. You can run the experiment immediately, or convert it into an HTML file that you can put on your own website or run locally on your computer.


PPTX Experiment Generator | Create simple powerpoint-based experiments in a snap

Generate easily your simple experiment as a power point presentation. Each slide is a trial, and it can contain one or more text items, presented is any way that powerpoint supports.

  1. Create a template for the powerpoint presentation. Just one slide that defines what each trial looks like (e.g. which stimuli appear, their position, timing, etc.). If different trials have different appearance, define one slide for each trial type.
  2. Create an Excel file that specifies the list of trials. A simple table, with one line for each trial, containing the stimuli shown in each trial.
  3. Upload both files to our website.
  4. PPTX Experiment Generator will combine the two files and create a power-point presentation with one slide per trial.


Convert digit strings into verbal numbers quickly and easily: enter numbers as digit strings, and get them in an Excel file as sequences of number words in the language of your choice.

A simple way to time your experiments!

This app is similar to the stopwatch on your smartphone, but with additional features: you can mark when an experiment trial started and when it ended; you can mark events that occurred in mid-trial; and you can export all this information to a CSV file.


The Number Catcher | A computer game for teaching basic arithmetic
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The Number Catcher is a fast-paced computer game that lets you play with numbers, while training basic concepts of number and arithmetic:

  • Basic calculation skills: addition and subtraction
  • Number formats: concrete sets, digits, and number words
  • The base 10 principle and the logic of multi-digit numbers

Developed with Stanislas Dehaene, Caroline Huron, and Manuela Piazza.

TrajTracker | Trajectory-tracking experimentation
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TrajTracker is a software package that supports running and analyzing psychology experiments, focused on mouse/finger tracking experiments (see this example video).
TrajTracker includes a python-based package for creating the experiments, and a matlab toolbox for analyzing the results.

Developed with Stanislas Dehaene and Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas.

Sound Merger | Merge pre-recorded sound files to create sentences or multi-digit numbers

Merges several mp3 sound files into a single file that contains a sequence of these sounds. For example, you can merge single number words into a multi-digit number.

You can create several sequences in a single run of sound merger.

The multiplication table, exercises and answers – recorded in English, French, and Hebrew.

Copyright (c) 2022 Dror Dotan, under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0